

Kambiz Salari Doomed bridge sparked Salari’s engineering career

As a student at the State University of New York, Stonybrook, Kambiz Salari saw a video of the 1940 collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and decided he wanted to learn more about why the structure failed.

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Dr. Phuoc Tran’s laser ablation process is used to produce nanoparticles of gold that can be used in treating cancer and as targeted drug delivery vehicles.Non-toxic nanoparticles may someday be used to fight cancer

Dr. Phuoc X. Tran’s research at DOE’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has involved laser ignition, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer, all focused on fossil fuel combustion, until relatively recently, when his interest in laser nanoparticle ablation led him into conducting research on fighting cancer.

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DOE Pulse
  • Number 337  |
  • May 16, 2011