August 2000

ORICL signing up for fall term

It’s time to sign up for another year of interesting courses and field trips at the Oak Ridge Institute for Continued Learning. Call the ORICL office at 481-8222 to request your fall catalog. The deadline for registration is August 21, 2000.

ORICL offerings for the fall term include daytime and evening courses taught by college professors, local scientists and computer and other experts. The offerings include courses in art, photography, literature, history, politics, medicine, money management, gardening and a chance to brush up on language skills with conversational French, Spanish and German.

The low-cost yearly ORICL membership is open to residents of Oak Ridge and the surrounding area of all backgrounds and educational levels. The no-exam courses are given at the new Oak Ridge Roane State Community College building. The institute is sponsored by Roane State Community College and is an affiliate of the Elderhostel Institute Network.

Classes vary in length to accommodate travel schedules. The fall term starts on September 18 and ends December 15.


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