August 1999

ORICL issues fall catalog of classes
The fall catalog of courses and field trips for the Oak Ridge Institute for Continued Learning is available. Call the ORICL office, 481-8222, to request your copy. The deadline for registration is August 23, 1999.

ORICL offerings for the fall term include daytime and evening courses taught by college professors, local scientists and computer experts. Among the offerings is a dramatic reading of the 1998 prize-winning play, “Copenhagen”—conversations between physicists Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg during World War II—with historical and scientific background information given by ORNL retiree Alex Zucker.

ORICL is open to residents of the Oak Ridge area of all backgrounds and educational levels. The no-exam courses will be conducted at the Oak Ridge Roane State Community College. ORICL is sponsored by Roane State and is an affiliate of the Elderhostel Institute Network.


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