September 1999

Physics community will miss Jerry Garrett

Jerry Garrett
ORNL and the physics community will miss the Physics Division’s Jerry Garrett, who died August 3. As the scientific director of the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility, Jerry was seeing the completion of the first science experiments at the facility since its renovation and conversion. As a producer of radioactive ion beams, HRIBF has become a unique research tool for studying nuclear structure and astrophysics.

“Not only was Jerry a wonderful scientist; he was also a good friend,” said Physics Division Director Fred Bertrand. “We’ll miss him terribly. He was our primary spokesman for the RIB physics carried out here, and he was internationally and nationally recognized as a leader in the field to the extent that he served as a spokesman for the U.S. and international programs.

“Radioactive-ion-beam physics is a field that’s growing in interest around the world. It’s very fair to say that part of the reason for that is Jerry’s successful promotion of the field around the world.”


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