adevs_v1_compat is a backwards compatibility module for adevs-2.0.5 and up. It provides some limited backwards compatibility with adevs-1.3.x and adevs-1.4 models. See the API documentation for details. Here is the feature summary;
This library does not support
To use the library, make sure that the adevs_v1_compat/include directory is included in the list of directories that your compiler will search. In every file that includes adevs-1.x headers, replace those with #include "adevs_v1_compat.h". Then rewrite the (hopefulyl small) piece of your code that uses the devssim or xdevssim class so that is uses the adevs-2.x adevs::Simulator<PortValue> class instead. Thats it!  Good luck 8-). The test cases provide some examples of how to use this backwards compatibility API.