
Bat Excursion

On Wednesday, we were split into two groups, with group A going to the bat excursion and group B staying at the hotel and doing laundry and other activities that were left for them. The bat excursion was an interesting activity because we got to see bats come out of a local high school wall from where they were residing. At the high school we met Warren Webb, who is a local scientist and one of our mentors on this laboratory trip. Warren told us about the equipment that he uses to track the bats and hear them and he even told us some facts about bats incase no one knew about them. He told us at around 9:15 to look up at the loose brick so that we could see the bats fly out of the high school. When 9:15 came we looked up and saw the bats fly out of the loose brick, but of course one at a time. After a few minutes we left the bat excursion and headed home. Group B will take part of this Bat Excursion on Thursday.