Nonlinear Transport through Strongly Correlated Two-Terminal Heterostructures

Theoretical understanding of the transport properties of artificial heterostructures coinsisting of strongly-correlated materials such as high-Tc cuprates and CMR manganites is of crucial importance to realize “oxide electronics” devices utilizing such bulk properties. We investigated the transport properties of heterostructures in which a strongly correlated electron system connected to metallic leads by applying the dynamical-mean-field method. It is shown that the spectral function inside the correlated region is sensitive to the change of the interaction strength and bias voltage. Because of this sensitivity, current vs voltage characteristics of such heterostructures are rather nonlinear regardless of the detail of the potential profile inside the correlated region. The electronic properties such as the double occupancy are also changed by the bias voltage. This work was done by Satoshi Okamoto. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 116807 (2008)