

BNL's Wayne Hendrickson A bright future for biological crystallography

Biophysicist Wayne Hendrickson, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Columbia University, considers what we’ve learned about HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, a huge biological success story. In the relatively short time since its discovery in the early 1980s, he and other scientists have revealed myriad details about the virus’ structure and mechanism of action, and are actively developing and testing drugs to block its entry into cells.

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The carousel, lifted by Apogee's balloon, carries sorbent tubes aloft to sample for tracer above the carbon dioxide injection area in this NETL research project. Bees, balloons, pollen to test novel CO2 monitoring approach

Bees and pollen are not just for honey anymore. Researchers at DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory are using them—along with helium-filled balloons—in an innovative method to verify that no carbon dioxide (CO2) leaks from sequestration sites.

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DOE Pulse
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