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DOE Pulse
  • Number 294  |
  • August 31, 2009

Survey: software needs more rigorous reviews


Results from a recent study show
considerable room for improvement
exists regarding the impact of
software architecture reviews.

Confusing. Crashing. Cursing. Three words you wish didn't apply to software, but often do. The problem, according to the first large-scale research project on how companies ensure the quality of their software, is that companies typically rely on informal, experience-based approaches to spot software faults. These companies rarely adopt the techniques recommended in the scientific literature. The project was led by Ian Gorton at DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Muhammad Ali Babar at Lero—the Irish Software Engineering Research Center. Gorton and Ali Babar urge the software community to help practitioners by providing guidelines that justify and institutionalize review processes and associated support tools.

[Kristin Manke, 509.372.6011,]