

Katherine AmentAment part of the next generation of rare-earth researchers

DOE’s Ames Laboratory has a long history of conducting materials research, particularly in the rare earths. The Lab’s first director, Frank Spedding has been called the father of rare earths and mentored a graduate student named Karl Gschneidner back in 1952. Fast forward to the present and Ames Lab senior metallurgist Gschneidner, an international rare earth expert in his own right and widely known as “Mr. Rare Earth,” is mentoring the next generation of rare earth researchers.

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Laser light illuminates the chemical reactor tube in the Multiplexed Photoionization Mass Spectrometer, a unique tool for the study of isomer-resolved chemical reactions. Photo credit: David Osborn, Sandia National Laboratories.Free-electron laser light enables research on extreme dating and efficient diesel

Ancient glaciers, which have long held secrets about early history, could someday soon reveal their stories to scientists armed with ultraviolet rays. The free-electron laser (FEL) facility at DOE's Jefferson Lab recently delivered its first beams of a rare color of UV laser light into an experimental lab, opening the door to future research studies using UV light.

There are many experimental programs that could benefit from the FEL’s new capability. Among them are a select few that require a long-sought, rare color of laser light, called vacuum ultraviolet light (VUV). The FEL recently produced VUV at levels that are 100 times brighter than that generated anywhere else.

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DOE Pulse
  • Number 344  |
  • August 22, 2011