Human Genome Project Information Archive

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Human Genome News Archive Edition
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Human Genome News, Mar.-Apr. 1995; 6(6)

Ongoing Training Courses

Courses are being held in the following selected subject areas during June, July, and August. Check with contact person for specific course titles, places, and times.

ACS (P. Orton, 202/872-4508, Fax: -6336).Molecular modeling and computational chemistry, molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology, analytical methods for proteins.

AFIP/ARP (J. Centeno, 202/782-2839, Fax: -9215,CENTENO@email.afip.osd.mil). Analysis and molecular biology techniques in environmental toxicology and forensic science.

BTCI (K. Borgh, 608/273-9737, Fax: -6992, kborgh@promega.com). Gene hunting and molecular characterization.

BTP (S. Chance, 800/821-4861, Fax: 603/267-1993, biotraining@delphi.com). PCR and clinical applications, basic cloning and hybridization, quantitative RNA-PCR.

Carolina Workshop(W. Litaker, 919/962-8920, Fax: /966-6821). Gene targeting in ES cells and transgenic mice.

CATCMB/CUA (M. Miller, 202/319-6161, Fax: -4467, millerm@cua.edu). In situ hybridization, DNA-binding proteins and transcriptional regulators, protein purification and analysis, capillary electrophoresis, immunochemistry, expression of recombinant DNA in mammalian cells.

CSHL (516/367-8346, Fax: -8845, meetings@cshl.org or http://www.cshl.org). Arabidopsis molecular genetics, molecular cloning of neural genes, expression of eukaryotic genes, yeast genetics, bacterial genetics.

Exon-Intron (800/407-6546, Fax: 410/730-3983). PCR understanding and methodologies, RNA isolation and gene expression, rDNA, tissue culture and baculovirus, in situ hybridization, chemiluminescence principles.

GRC(401/783-4011, Fax: -7644). Molecular genetics, nucleic acids.

IU (J. Clay, 812/855-6329, Fax: -8997, jclay@indiana.edu). Recombinant DNA technologies and applications.

LTI (L. Kerwin, 800/952-9166, Fax: 301/258-8212).In situ hybridization; gene expression systems; analysis of gene expression; cDNA library, PCR, recombinant baculovirus, recombinant DNA, and cell culture techniques.

MBL (508/548-3705 ext. 401, Fax: /457-1924, admissions@mbl.edu or http://www.mbl.edu). Cellular and molecular biology, molecular evolution.

PSC (N. Blankenstein, 412/268-4960, biomed@psc.edu). Nucleic acid and protein sequence analysis, methods of molecular mechanics and dynamics of biopolymers, structural determination from NMR.

Oncor (800/556-6267, Fax: 301/926-6129). Introduction to molecular cytogenetics.

UMBC (C. Harriger, 410/455-2336, Fax: -1074, Carolyn_Harriger@umbcadmn.bitnet). Recombinant DNA.

UMDS (P. Faik, +44-171/403-6998, Fax: /407-5281, wss@umds.ac.uk). Genetic analysis from YAC to gene, analysis of multifactorial diseases.

UWS (M. Barnard, 206/616-1864, Fax: /685-7515, mbarnard@u.washington.edu). Genomic information and its ethical implications.

K. Alicia Davidson, HGMIS

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The electronic form of the newsletter may be cited in the following style:
Human Genome Program, U.S. Department of Energy, Human Genome News (v6n6).

Human Genome Project 1990–2003

The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international 13-year effort, 1990 to 2003. Primary goals were to discover the complete set of human genes and make them accessible for further biological study, and determine the complete sequence of DNA bases in the human genome. See Timeline for more HGP history.

Human Genome News

Published from 1989 until 2002, this newsletter facilitated HGP communication, helped prevent duplication of research effort, and informed persons interested in genome research.