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Colleen M Iversen Colleen M Iversen

                        Roots in Models
            Sponsor: Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research

Objective      Concepts      Workshop      ESA OOS      Path forward      Prisms Project


August, 2014: A paper led by Jeff Warren on the representation of root function in terrestrial biosphere models has just been accepted as a New Phytologist Tansley Review.

August 13, 2014: We’ve organized a session at the annual Ecological Society of America Meeting that engages the broader root and rhizosphere community of empiricists, modelers, and database managers to develop a path forward for the improved representation of fine roots in terrestrial biosphere models. Please come and join us for continued discussion if you are in Sacramento:

OOS 21: "A Path Forward for Improved Representation of Fine Roots in Large-scale Models: Linking Models, Data, and Experiments"
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
203, Sacramento Convention Center

June 11-12, 2014: A workshop, sponsored by DOE BER, was hosted at ORNL with the objective to improve the representation of roots in the next-generation of terrestrial biosphere models.