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4.7 Wavefunction optimisation
The principles of wavefunction optimisation are straightforward:
optimise (vary) a number of free parameters in a wavefunction in order
to improve it. The preferred objective function used for optimisation
is the variance of the local energy,
, and the
reasons for this are developed in chapter 5. However, in
order to evaluate any objective function related to the local
energy, efficient methods for calculating this quantity are required.
In this section, methods of evaluating the value of the wavefunction
and its local energy for a fixed set of electron positions are
During wavefunction optimisation, a representative sample of electron
configurations is taken. This sample is then used for optimisation. As
the parameters are varied during optimisation, the local energy is
repeatedly evaluated for the fixed set of electron configurations. At
a certain point, such as when parameters have been varied beyond a
certain threshold, the new parameters are used to generate another set
of electron configurations. This process is repeated until convergence
is obtained. Typically, several thousand values of the parameters are tested
during optimisation, so complete recalculation of all terms in the
local energy would be very costly.
As detailed in section 4.4, the local energy consists of
kinetic and potential energy terms. If the electron positions are
fixed, only the kinetic energy and non-local pseudopotential energy
change when the parameters are varied. These energies may be rapidly
evaluated by taking advantage of the form of the Jastrow factor.
Equation 4.27, 4.28 and 4.29 show that the
gradient and laplacian of the Slater determinants are also required,
but the values of the actual orbitals in the determinants are not. The
determinant dependent terms in the kinetic energy are independent of
the Jastrow factor, with the exception of a cross term in the gradient
of the determinants and Jastrow factor. This greatly simplifies the
optimisation process, as it is easily made independent of the specific
orbitals used.
4.7.1 Linearity of the Jastrow factor
A useful property of the Jastrow factor outlined in
section 4.3.2 is the linearity of Jastrow factor with
respect to the parameters. With the exception of the parameter in
the cusp-satisfying part of the function, all of the parameters are
linear. For a fixed set of electron positions, the value of the
Jastrow function is given by
(4.47) |
where the variable parameters, , are multiplied by
terms that are dependent on the specific Jastrow factor and
electron positions. The three Cartesian components of gradient and the
value of the laplacian are similarly calculable in terms of products
of parameters and ``basis functions''. By storing the and
similar terms for the gradient and laplacian, the value of the
wavefunction, its gradient and laplacian are computable in terms of
, and variables respectively. Recalculation
of inter-particle distances and terms in the Jastrow factor is
avoided, reducing the cost of the calculation by many orders of
The non-local energy is dependent on the wavefunction. During
wavefunction optimisation the non-local energy changes, and should
strictly be recalculated as parameter values are optimised.
For most systems, the non-local pseudopotential energy represents only
a small fraction of the total energy, and the change in non-local
pseudopotential energy throughout wavefunction optimisation is
small. A reasonable approximation for the non-local energy is to
consider it fixed throughout each cycle of wavefunction
optimisation. This approximation biases the optimisation during any
one cycle, but the non-local energy is recalculated when the
configurations are regenerated. At worst, provided the
non-local energy is only weakly dependent on the wavefunction
parameters, this approximation will only slow convergence of the
optimisation procedure. The approximation reduces the computational
cost and memory requirements of optimisation.
The non-local energy may also be computed efficiently during wavefunction
optimisation by taking advantage of the linearity of the parameters in
the Jastrow factor, as is done for the evaluation of the kinetic
Following equation 4.36, the non-local energy may be written
(4.48) |
where the sums run over electrons, , ions, , integration grid
points, , and angular momenta, .
denotes the value of the many-body wavefunction with electron ,
which is in the non-local range of ion , with the electron at moved to the integration grid point
and all
other electrons unmoved. These sums may be simplified due to the short
range of the non-local pseudopotential, so that only a small
proportion of electrons and ions need be included. If only the linear
parameters in the wavefunction are varied, the storage required for
the evaluation is of order , where there are
variable parameters, electron-ion ``hits'' over all electrons
and ions, and integration grid points.
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© Paul Kent