Next: 8.2 Background
Up: 8. The energetic stability
Previous: 8. The energetic stability
In this chapter, the energetic stability of isomers of
carbon clusters is studied using density functional
and quantum Monte Carlo methods, with the aim of identifying the
smallest energetically stable fullerene. Calculating the energy of
small carbon clusters is a strong test of electronic structure methods
due to their widely differing geometries and the energetic importance
of electron correlation. Recent experimental results comparing the
relative abundance of small carbon clusters, including fullerenes,
demonstrate a sensitive dependence on experimental conditions and many
experimental results are in disagreement with previous electronic
structure calculations. By using diffusion Monte Carlo, electron
correlation is treated consistently, and accurate
relative energies are obtained for systems of up to 128
valence electrons. The results also bear on the existence of fullerene
cluster based solids, which at the time of writing have been the
subject of considerable theoretical speculation but have not been
synthesised in quantity.
© Paul Kent