A. Chkifa, N. Dexter, H. Tran, C. Webster. Polynomial Approximation via Compressed Sensing of High-dimensional Functions on Lower Sets, Math. Comp., to appear, 2017. [pdf ]
H. Tran, C. Webster, G. Zhang. Analysis of Quasi-Optimal Polynomial Approximations for Parameterized PDEs with Deterministic and Stochastic Coefficients, Numer. Math., to appear, 2017. [pdf ]
M. Bukac, W. Layton, C. Trenchea, M. Moraiti, H. Tran. Analysis of Partitioned Methods for Biot System, Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 31: 1769–1813, 2015. [pdf ]
N. Jiang, H. Tran. Analysis of A Stabilized CNLF Method with Fast Slow Wave Splittings for Flow Problems, Comput. Methods Appl. Math., 15(3), pp. 307–330, 2015. [pdf ]
N. Jiang, M. Kubacki, W. Layton, M. Moraiti and H. Tran. Unconditional Stability of A Crank- Nicolson Leap-Frog Stabilization and Applications, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 281 (2015), 263-276. [pdf ]
W. Layton, H. Tran, C. Trenchea. Numerical Analysis of Two Partitioned Methods for Uncoupling Evolutionary MHD Flows, Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 30(4), 1083-1102, 2014. [pdf ]
W. Layton, H. Tran, C. Trenchea. Analysis of Long Time Stability and Errors of Two Partitioned Methods for Uncoupling Evolutionary Groundwater - Surface Water Flows, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 51(1), 248-272, 2013. [pdf ]
W. Layton, H. Tran, X. Xiong. Long Time Stability of Four Methods for Splitting the Evolutionary Stokes-Darcy Problem into Stokes and Darcy Sub-problems, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 236 (13) (2012), 3198-3217. [pdf ]
W. Layton, L. Roehe, H. Tran. Explicitly Uncoupled Variational Multiscale Stabilization of Fluid Flow, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 200 (2011), No. 45-46, pp. 3183-3199. [pdf ]
Conference Papers
W. Layton, H. Tran, and C. Trenchea. Stability of partitioned methods for magnetohydrodynamics flows at small magnetic Reynolds number, Contemp. Math., vol. 586, pp. 231-238, 2013. [pdf ]
T. Luciani, A. Maries, H. Tran, M. Nik, S.L. Yilmaz, G.E. Marai. A Novel Method for Tracking Tensor-based Regions of Interest in Large-Scale, Spatially-Dense
Turbulent Combustion Data, IEEE VisWeek 2012, Poster Abstracts with System Demonstration, pp. 1-2, 2012. [pdf ]
Book Chapters
H. Tran, C. Webster, G. Zhang. A Sparse-Grid Method for Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification with Application to Large Eddy Simulation Turbulence Models, In: Garcke J., Pflüger D. (eds) Sparse Grids and Applications - Stuttgart 2014. Springer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol 109., pp. 291-313, 2016.[pdf ]
Technical Reports
H. Tran, C. Trenchea, C. Webster. A Convergence Analysis of Stochastic Collocation Method for Navier-Stokes Equations with Random Input Data, ORNL Technical Report, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2014. [pdf ]
H. Tran. On the Estimates of Determining Modes for NS-alpha and NS-omega Models, Technical Report, Department of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, 2010. [pdf ]