In order to optimize a wavefunction we require an objective function,
i.e., a quantity which is to be minimised with respect to a set of
parameters, . The criteria that a successful objective
function should satisfy for use in a Monte Carlo optimization
procedure are that (i) the global minimum of the objective function
should correspond to a high quality wavefunction, (ii) the variance of
the objective function should be as small as possible, and (iii) the
function is suitable for numerical optimisation. Ideally the global
minimum of the objective function should be as sharp and deep as
possible and there should be no local minima, i.e. as best adapted to
numerical optimization algorithms as possible.
One natural objective function is the expectation value of the energy,
where the integrals are over the 3-dimensional
configuration space. The numerator is the integral over the
probability distribution,
, of the local energy,
The energy is in fact not the preferred objective function for wave function optimization, and the general consensus is that a better procedure is to minimise the variance of the energy, which is given by
Optimising wavefunctions by minimising the variance of the energy is actually a very old idea, having being used in the 1930's. The first application using Monte Carlo techniques to evaluate the integrals appears to have been by Conroy, [80] but the present popularity of the method derives from the developments of Umrigar and coworkers. [37,29]
A number of reasons have been advanced by many workers in the field for preferring variance minimisation over energy minimisation, including: (i) it has a known lower bound of zero, (ii) the resulting wavefunctions give good estimates for a range of properties, not just the energy, (iii) it can be applied to excited states, (iv) efficient algorithms are known for minimising objective functions which can be written as a sum of squares, and (v) it exhibits greater numerical stability than energy minimisation. The latter point is very significant for applications to large systems.
Minimisation of has normally been carried out
via a correlated sampling approach in which a set of configurations
distributed according to
is generated, where
is an initial set of parameter values.
is then
evaluated as
where the integrals contain a weighting factor,
, given by
is then minimised with respect to the parameters
. The minimum possible value of
is zero. This
value is obtained if and only if
is an exact eigenstate
. The ensemble of configurations is normally regenerated
several times with the updated parameter values so that when
convergence is obtained no change in parameters
occurs on
optimization. A variant of
equation 5.3 is obtained by replacing the energy
by a fixed value,
, giving
Note that if
, where
is the exact
ground state energy, then the minimum possible value of
occurs when
, the exact ground state wavefunction.
Minimisation of
is equivalent to minimising a linear
combination of
. [23] The absolute minima of both
occur when
. If both of the
coefficients of
in the linear combination
are positive, which is guaranteed if
, then it
follows that the absolute minimum of
occurs at
. Using this method with
optimization only of the ground state wavefunction, and it has been
claimed that this method yields more accurate wavefunctions than
variance minimisation alone (for example, Ref.[53]).