Action List

The RESolution action list is the homepage and hub of the application.

What it Does

The RESolution action list is the homepage and hub of the application. From here, users can see what actions need their attention and easily document completed tasks. Never miss another deadline again!

Waiting on You

See tasks that require your action and complete tasks from within the application.


Get reminders of upcoming items that may be time sensitive.


Receive updates on items of interest to you by placing them on your radar.


Learn how to use RESolution's action list by viewing this brief tutorial.


One of the ORNL business systems has one or more items pending your approval or immediate action (i.e., training that needs to be taken, invoice that needs to be approved, etc.)

One of the ORNL business systems has an item that may require your attention (i.e., a PO is running out of funding or is about to expire). An alert does not require immediate action but is a “heads up” system for items of interest.

These items do not require any attention on your part but are being surfaced for your general awareness. Examples might include a publication that is in the queue for someone’s approval or a travel itinerary for an upcoming trip.

Over 30 ORNL business systems are currently integrated with more being added all the time.

Provide a suggestion in the RESolution feedback system, call the ORNL Solution Center, or enter a request on the IT website.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle for the US Department of Energy