Methane hydrate decomposition at molecular level
Evgeniy Myshakin, the lead
investigator in the research using
molecular-level simulations to study
methane hydrate decomposition,
views results of the simulations.
National Energy Technology Laboratory and the
University of Pittsburgh have simulated methane hydrate decomposition at the molecular level under conditions typical of those anticipated in methane production scenarios. Researchers observed transitory, partial-hydrate structures at the decomposing hydrate interface. In the presence of methane molecules under appropriate conditions, these structures could serve as nucleation centers for bulk hydrate reformation, which has reduced gas production in reservoir-scale simulations of hydrate production. Improved understanding of this phenomenon could improve predictive reservoir-scale models. An account of the study appeared in
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. (Vol. 113, No. 10, 2009, pg. 1913ff.)
[David J. Anna, 412.386.4646,]