Nanotechnology/ Environmental Health and Safety

Nathan King
Amy Bagg
Alissa Faulkner
Ivan Stacy
Cody Franks
Christopher Bowman

Mentors: Michaela Hall, Randy Ogle

Since nano is and up and coming new area of the science world, we are exposing the ARC students to the different disciplines of science and exploring how nano particles are used in each of the areas. The main areas we focused on are an intro to what nano is and how it is used in each of the areas. The main areas we focused on are and intro to what nano is and how it is used, electron microscopy, the Cleanroom, indoor air quality, outdoor air quality, polymers and glass blowing, and noise. Each day the students participate in a lecture about the subject area, and then participate in hands-on activities and tours of different labs. During electron microscopy the students got to look at different materials under a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), were able to try glass blowing during the Polymer sessioin, and were shown how to dress our in a Cleanroom "bunny suit"during their Cleanroom Presentation. This week the students will focus on how nano particles have effects on outdoor air quality, and a fun presentation on noise. Also during the second week the students will be talking numberous samples from different instruments, collecting and learning how to interpret the data. Our goal here at ther Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences is to expose the ARC studetns to the new and exciting world of nano, and to illustrate that the world of nano is a melting pot for all of the desciplines of science.


Photos of group