Last Modified: February 26, 2016
McManamay, RA, SK Brewer, HI Jager, M Troia. 2016. Organizing environmental flow frameworks to meet hydropower mitigation needs. Environmental Management 58(3): 365-385.
Jager, HI, MJ Parsley, JJ Cech, Jr., RL McLaughlin, PS Forsythe, RF Elliott, and BM Pracheill. 2016. Reconnecting Fragmented Sturgeon Populations in North American Rivers. Fisheries 41(3), 140-148. (pdf)
Jager, HI, RA Efroymson, J Opperman, and M Kelly. 2015. Spatial design principles for sustainable hydropower development in riverbasins. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 45: 808-816 (pdf) .
Jager, HI. 2014. Thinking outside the channel: Timing pulse flows to benefit salmon via indirect pathways. Ecological Modelling 273: 117-127.(pdf).
Jager, HI and RA McManamay. 2014. Comment on ''Cumulative biophysical impact of small and large hydropower development in Nu River, China'' by Kelly Kibler and Desiree Tullos. Water Resources Research 50, 758-759. (pdf)
McManamay, RA, DJ Orth, & HI Jager. 2013. Accounting for variation in species detection in fish community monitoring. Fisheries Management and Ecology. doi: 10.1111/fme.12056.
Jager, HI, DL Peterson, D Farrae, and MS Bevelhimer. 2013. A population model to assess influences on the viability of the shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) population in the Ogeechee River, Georgia. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(3): 731-746 (pdf).
Perkins, T.A. and H.I. Jager. 2011. Falling behind: Delayed growth explains life-history variation in Snake River fall Chinook salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140(4): 959-972 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., K.B. Lepla, W. Van Winkle, B.A. James, and S.O. McAdams. 2010. The elusive minimum viable population size for white sturgeon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139: 1551- 1565 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., K.A. Rose, and A. Vila-Gispert. 2008. Life history correlates and extinction risk of capital-breeding fishes. Hydrobiologia 602: 15-25 (pdf). Data
Jager, H. I., and B.T. Smith. 2008. Sustainable reservoir operation: Can we generate hydropower and preserve ecosystem values? River Research and Applications 24: 340-352. (pdf)
Jager, H.I. and M.S. Bevelhimer. 2007. How run-of-river operation affects hydropower generation. Environmental Management 40: 1004-1015 (pdf).
Smith, B.T., H.I. Jager, and P. March. 2007. Prospects for Combining Energy and Environmental Objectives in Hydropower Optimization. WaterPower XI. 10 pp.
Jager, H.I., M.S. Bevelhimer, K.A. Lepla, J.B. Chandler, and W. Van Winkle. 2007. Evaluation of reconnection options for white sturgeon in the Snake River using a Population Viability Model. (pdf) Pages 319-335 In American Fisheries Society Symposium 56, J.F. Munro ed., American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Jager, H.I. 2006. Chutes and ladders and other games we play with rivers: I. upstream passage. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(1): 165-175 (pdf).
Jager, H.I. 2006. Chutes and ladders and other games we play with rivers: II. translocation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(1): 176-184 (pdf).
Jager, H.I. 2005. Genetic and demographic implications of aquaculture on white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) conservation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62(8): 1733-1745 (pdf).
Sullivan, A.B., H.I. Jager, and R. Myers. 2003. Modeling white sturgeon movement in a reservoir: the effect of water quality. Ecological Modelling 167(1-2): 97-114. (pdf)
Jager, H.I. and K.A. Rose. 2003. Designing optimal flow patterns for chinook salmon in a Central Valley river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23(1): 1-21 (pdf)
Jager, H.I., W. Van Winkle, K.B. Lepla, J.A. Chandler, and P. Bates. 2002. Factors controlling white sturgeon recruitment in the Snake River. pp.127-150 (pdf) IN: AFS Symposium: Biology, Management, and Protection of Sturgeon. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.
Jager, H.I. 2001. Individual variation in life history characteristics can influence population extinction risk. Ecological Modelling 144(1):59-74 (pdf).
Jager, H.I. and J.A. Tyler. 2001. Letter to the editor concerning Railsback et al. 1999. Movement rules for individual-based models of stream fish. Ecological Modelling 144(3): 245-248 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., J.A. Chandler, K.B. Lepla, W. Van Winkle. 2000. A theoretical study of river fragmentation by dams and its effects on white sturgeon populations. Environmental Biology of Fishes 60:347-361 (pdf).
Jager, H., W. Van Winkle, K. Lepla, J. Chandler, and P. Bates. 2000. Population viability analysis of riverine fishes. Environmental Science & Policy 3: S483-489 (html).
Jager, H.I. 2000. Predicting the viability of fish populations in a modified riverine environment. PhD. Dissertation. University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Suter, G.W. II, L.W. Barnthouse, R.A. Efroymson, and H.I. Jager. 1999. Ecological risk assessment in a large river-reservoir: 2. fish community. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18(4): 589-598.
Van Winkle, W., H.I. Jager, B.D. Holcomb, S.F. Railsback, T.K. Studley, and J.E. Baldrige. 1998. An individual-based instream flow model for sympatric populations of brown and rainbow trout: model description, sensitivity analysis, and calibration. Ecological Modelling 110: 175-207 (pdf).
Jager, H.I. and E.J. Pert. 1997. Comment on "Utility of depth and velocity preferences for predicting steelhead parr distribution at different flows." Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126: 537-540 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., H.E. Cardwell, M.J. Sale, M.J. Bevelhimer, C.C. Coutant, and W. Van Winkle. 1997. Modelling the linkages between flow management and salmon recruitment in rivers. Ecological Modelling 103: 171-191 (pdf)
Van Winkle, W., C. C. Coutant, H. I. Jager, J. S. Mattice, D. J. Orth, R. G. Otto, S. F. Railsback, and M. J. Sale. 1997. Uncertainty and instream flow standards: Perspectives based on hydropower research and assessment. Fisheries 22(7): 21-22.
Cardwell, H., H.I. Jager, and M.J. Sale. 1996. Designing instream flows to satisfy fish and human water needs. ASCE J. of Water Res. Planning and Mgmt. 122(5): 356-363 (pdf)
Van Winkle, W., B.D. Holcomb, H.I. Jager, J.A. Tyler, S.Y. Whitaker, and B.J. Shuter. 1995. Regulation of energy acquisition and allocation to respiration, growth, and reproduction: simulation model and example using rainbow trout. IN R.C. Chambers and E.A. Trippel, (eds.), Early Life History and Recruitment in Fish Populations, Chapman and Hall.
Jager, H.I., D.L. DeAngelis, M.J. Sale, W. VanWinkle, D.D. Schmoyer, M.J. Sabo, D.J. Orth, and J.A. Lukas. 1993. An individual-based model of smallmouth bass reproduction and young-of-year dynamics in streams. Rivers 4: 91-113 (pdf).
McCullough, D.A., J. M. Bartholow, H. I. Jager, R. L. Beschta, E. F. Cheslak, M. L. Deas, J. L. Ebersole, J. S. Foott, S. L. Johnson, W. J. Kimmerer, K. R. Marine, M. G. Mesa, J. H. Petersen, Y. Souchon, K. F. Tiffan, W. A. Wurtsbaugh. 2009. Research in thermal biology: Burning questions for coldwater stream fishes. Reviews in Fisheries Science 17(1): 90-115 (pdf). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Reviews in Fisheries Science ( doi:10.1080/10641260802590152 )
Jager, H.I., W. Van Winkle, and B.D. Holcomb. 1999. Would hydrologic climate changes in Sierra Nevada streams influence trout persistence? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128: 222-240.
Van Winkle, W., K.A. Rose, B.J. Shuter, H.I. Jager, and B.D. Holcomb. 1997. Effects of climatic temperature change on growth, survival, and reproduction of rainbow trout: predictions of a simulation model. Can. J. of Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 54: 2526-2542.
Jager, HI, LM Baskaran, PE Schweizer, A Turhollow, CC Brandt, and R Srinivasan. 2015. Forecasting changes in water quality in rivers associated with growing biofuels in the Arkansas-White-Red river drainage, USA. Global Change Biology: Bioenergy. 7(4): 774-784 (pdf).
Baskaran, L.M., H.I. Jager, A. Turhollow, and R. Srinivasan. 2016. Understanding shifts in agricultural landscapes: context matters when simulating future changes in water quantity and quality. ORNL/TM-2013/531, 33 pp (pdf).
Ridley, CE, HI Jager, RA Efroymson, C Kwit, DA. Landis, ZH Leggett, DA Miller, CM Clark. 2013. Debate: Can bioenergy be produced in a sustainable manner that protects biodiversity and avoids the risk of invaders? Ecological Society of America Bulletin 94(3): 277-290. (pdf).
Jager, H.I., M.S. Bevelhimer, R. King, and K. Smith. 2011. Landscape influences on headwater streams on Fort Stewart, Georgia, USA. Environmental Management 4: 1227-1239 (pdf).
Schweizer P & HI Jager. 2011. Modeling fish diversity in the Arkansas-Red-White River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140(5): 1227-1239 (pdf).
McBride, A.C, V.H. Dale, L.M. Baskaran, M.E. Downing, L.M. Eaton, R.A. Efroymson, C.T. Garten Jr., K.L. Kline, H.I. Jager, P.J. Mulholland, E.S. Parish, P.E. Schweizer, and J.M. Storey. 2011. Indicators to support environmental sustainability of bioenergy systems. Ecological Indicators 11(5): 1277-1289 (pdf)
Baskaran, L.M., H.I. Jager, P. E. Schweizer, R. Srinivasan. 2010. Progress toward evaluating the sustainability of switchgrass production at a regional scale. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 53(5): 1547-1556 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., L. M. Baskaran, C. C. Brandt, E. B. Davis, C. A. Gunderson, S. D. Wullschleger. 2010. Empirical geographic modeling of switchgrass yields in the United States. Global Change Biology: Bioenergy 2: 248-257 (pdf).
Graham, R.L., W. Liu, H.I. Jager, B.C. English, C.E. Noon and M.J. Daly. 1996. A regional-scale GIS-based modeling system for evaluating the potential costs and supplies of biomass from biomass crops. Proceedings, BIOENERGY'96. September 15-20, 1996, Nashville, TN, Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (html)
Efroymson, R.A., H.I. Jager, and W. Hargrove. 2010. Valuing wildlands. Pages 157-185 In Environmental Risk Assessment and Management from a Landscape Perspective, L. Kapustka, W. Landis, and A. Johnson (editors). John Wiley & Sons. (pdf).
Efroymson, R.A., H.I. Jager, V. Dale, J. Westerveld. 2009. A framework for developing management goals for species at risk and application to military installations in the United States. Environmental Management 44(6): 1163-1179 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., E.A. Carr, and R.A. Efroymson. 2006. Simulated effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on a solitary, mustellid predator. Ecological Modelling 191: 416-430 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., R.A. Efroymson, K. Sublette, and T.A. Ashwood. 2005. Unnatural landscapes in ecology: Generating the spatial distribution of brine spills. Environmetrics 16: 685-698 (pdf).
Efroymson, R., T. Carlson, H. Jager, T. Kostova, E. Carr, W. Hargrove, J. Kercher, and T. Ashwood. 2004. Toward a framework for assessing risk to vertebrate populations from brine and petroleum spills at exploration and production sites, Landscape ecology and wildlife habitat evaluation. ASTM STP 1458. L. Kaputska et al., eds. ASTM International, W. Conshohocken, PA.
Jager, H.I., T.L. Ashwood, B.L. Jackson, A.W. King. 2005. Spatial uncertainty analysis of population models. Ecological Modelling 185(1): 13-27 (pdf).
Jager, H.I. and A.W. King. 2004. Spatial uncertainty and ecological models. Ecosystems 7: 1-7 (pdf).
Jager, H.I., W.W. Hargrove, A.W. King, R.J. Olson, C.C. Brandt, J.M.O. Scurlock, and K.A. Rose. 2000. Constructive Contrasts between Modeled and Measured Climate Responses over a Regional Scale. Ecosystems 3: 396-411 (pdf). Cover of Issue
Jager, H.I., M. Kramer, and W.S. Overton. 1999. Spatial modeling of landscape pattern. ORNL/TM-1999/294.
Jager, H.I. and W.S. Overton. 1993. Explanatory models for ecological response surfaces. Chap. 42, pp. 422-437 IN Goodchild, M.F., B.O. Parks, and L.T. Steyaert (eds.), Environmental Modeling with GIS. Oxford University Press, NY (pdf).
Dale, V.H., H.I. Jager, R.H. Gardner, and A.E. Rosen. 1988. Using sensitivity and uncertainty analysis to improve predictions of broad-scale forest development. Ecological Modelling 42:165-178.
Cook, R.B. and H.I. Jager. 1991. Upper Midwest: The effects of hydrologic lake type and acidic deposition on lakewater chemistry. Chapter 13 IN D.F. Charles (ed.). Acidic Deposition and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Case Studies. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Jager, H.I., M.J. Sale, and R.L. Schmoyer. 1990. Regional assessment of water quality in the Southern Blue Ridge Province using cokriging. Water Resources Research 26(7): 1401-1412 (pdf).
Jager, H.I. and R.H. Gardner. 1988. A simulation experiment to investigate food web polarization. Ecological Modelling 41: 101-116 (pdf).
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